
Monday, December 13, 2010

Practicing Hospitality

Ever gone to bed feeling stressed, too much on your mind, almost guaranteeing a night of unrest & a not-so-chipper morning?
This was me last night.
I headed upstairs feeling exactly that...
stressed at the upcoming activities & the general busyness of the season....& in a matter of minutes, I literally had a headache.

I am not one to 'stress out' too often, generally keeping things in perspective, for the most part;)
But, it's not everyday that your 'babies' are turning 16!

Last night, we were attempting to come up with a 'count' for the upcoming birthday party {Saturday} & I became overwhelmed at the number of people that will be in our home!!
We've hosted a variety of events studies, teaching sessions, girl's night out groups, parties of all kinds...but never with a group quite as large as this 16th birthday party for our sons!

Of course, I'd like everything to be just 'right.'
I want our sons to have a memorable party & our guests to have a good time, enjoying food & fellowship.
As I begin to ponder the plan for the week & the necessary schedule to carry out this plan, I started feeling overwhelmed.

But, in His usual fashion, my heavenly Father began working on my behalf almost instantly.
Before going to bed, I read a few pages from "The Hospitality Commands" by Alexander Strauch.
I turned right to a paragraph explaining how hospitality is a form of giving and how  "God loves a cheerful giver."  {2 Cor. 9:7}
It went on to say that being hospitable is a down-to-earth test of our love for God & his is love in action.
It is the flesh & muscle on the bones of love.

How rich is that passage?
I felt God reminding me that even though we are hosting a birthday party, celebrating the lives of the 2 wonderful gifts we got for Christmas almost 16 yrs ago, we can {& should} still practice hospitality!
While our friends & family are coming to show their love for our precious sons, this is also an opportunity for us to bless all who come through our doors with a warm place to spend the evening, food to fill their bellies, & fellowship to fill their hearts.

And that was on my mind when I went to sleep.
God is so mindful of me that he directed me to something that would change my outlook & dispel my worries.
After a restful night's sleep, I awoke this morning with my mindset focused on 'EVERYTHING as unto the Lord.'
Whether I'm baking cookies, wrapping Christmas gifts, cleaning my home, or preparing for a birthday party, I will do it all as unto the Lord.

How easily we become distracted, especially during this Christmas season.
We worry more than we worship.
We hurry through this blessed time more than we enjoy the true meaning of it all.
It's amazing what a few minutes alone with God can do to renew your spirit.

I am so thankful for the mercies that He makes new every morning!
I am so thankful for the reminder to live today & every day so that HE gets the glory.
For He alone is worthy!


  1. Wow Angie, I'm glad that I'm not alone in feeling this way. When we are preparing for a large get together at our house I tend to stress out too. My kids always say "look out mom is getting in that Hurry gotta get it Done mode" and I have to stop and refocus on why I am doing this.I want them to know that I enjoy having people in our home and maybe someday they will be the same way. And after all that worry it all works out fine. Everyone has had a good time and I am happy.I sure do a lot of praying for myself at those times also.Thanks for sharing!

  2. You're right...after all the worry, it DOES always turn out fine.
    Thanks for the comment!
