
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Key to Contentment


I woke up on New Year's morning thinking about my life.
I began to think of the past year ... things that 'worked' & things that didn't ...
goals that were reached & those that fell short ...
happinesses & disappointments.

But, most of all, I kept thinking of my Christian walk.
As I began to survey the past year, an overwhelming feeling of gratefulness came over me.

I have seen my prayers answered time & again.
It's been a quiet inner-working within my spirit.
As I have submitted to God, I have reaped the promises found throughout the scriptures.

I have searched to find myself in His Word.
I have prayed earnestly for my will to become His ...
for my desires to become what He desires for me.

And I have found this to be the key to true peace & contentment.

It's not in things, possessions, places or relationships.
It's not in a job, a status, or a bank account ...
for all those things are unstable ...
momentary pleasures, at best.
It's in knowing that no matter what ups & downs may come in life {& they are sure to come}, it is He who keeps me sure & steady.

I begin to feel so compelled to share my testimony!
God has brought about such a change in my life in the past 5+ years!

I've asked Him to show me HIS ways.
I've examined every part of my life in light of HIS Word.
And He has been faithful.
I'm ever reminded of the scripture, "Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God, & HIS righteousness, & all these things shall be added unto you." {Matt. 6:33}.

And He is ever reminding me that I am not the potter.
I am the clay.
It's through my submission to Him that He's able to make me a vessel of honor.

What a loving Father is He!

1 comment:

  1. This morning, I opened the Bible exactly to this passage:

    '...for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, & I know how to abound. In any & every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance & need. I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me.'
    Philippians 4:11-13

    Thankful when God drives a message home!
