
Monday, February 28, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award!

To say I was giddy with excitement when I was notified about receiving the
Versatile Blogger Award
would be an understatement!

The kid in me thought it was pretty cool to 'win' something!
The adult in me thought it was pretty amazing that someone{s} that I don't even know would be not only reading, but enjoying my blog!!
To know that I'm finding an audience as I'm attempting to carve out my own lil' niche in the blogosphere, well, it just made me feel all warm & fuzzy!
I'm encouraged to keep on a'bloggin.

So, to Lisa @ Modern Vintage Homemaking , YOU made my day!

The rules for the award are to tell 7 things about yourself ...
& share it with 15 blogs that you enjoy.

Here are my 7 things:

1.  I am suddenly all about tulips & have incorporated lots of them into my spring decor.

2.  I LOVE a bargain & finding new ways to stretch a dollar.

3.  My current project:  I'm writing a cookbook, hoping to finish by May.

4.  I wish I knew how to sew!!!  Anyone wanna teach me?

5.  Our dream is to live in the country on several acres ...
     & when our sons marry, we'd love to have adjoining properties with them all ...
     {the Pennington compound;)}

6.  As our sons are growing up, ever so quickly, I am challenged to pray more than ever for    their future wives & children.

7.  Thunderbird or Land Rover ... I'll take one of each.

I'm sharing this award with:

Esther @ Our Simple Country Life

Kelly @ The Gil & Kelly Bates Family Blog

Marian @ Miss Mustard Seed

Liz @ Hoosier Homemade

Stefanie @ Stefanie's Pleasant Places

Raising Homemakers

Courtney @ Women Living Well

Stacy @ Your Sacred Calling

Emily @ A Beautiful Life

Jacinda @ Happy Little Homemaker

Marilyn @ The Learning Parent