
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Sundays ~ 1st Day of Spring

It's finally here!
The 1st day of SPRING!
I think I began looking forward to this day, oh, probably mid-January.
By the time March rolls around, well, I'm beyond ready!
Nothing makes for a sweeter morning than hearing those birds singing.
From my windows, I can see the trees beginning to bud.
New life everywhere you look.

I found these little purple beauties out in my front flower bed on Thursday.
All winter long, they've just been waiting for SPRING...
waiting to poke through the soil ... & BLOOM!

Just as these little flowers bloom in their season, we, as Christians, 
can experience this same 'new' season in Christ!

We can have a new song ... a song of encouragement & a song of worship.
Oh, what a sweet sound this is in our Saviour's ears.

We can begin to bloom, bringing forth the fruits of the spirit!
What an opportunity to be a blessing those around us as we demonstrate love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.
These are the fruits that all Christians should be producing in their lives with Jesus Christ.

Be encouraged today, on the 1st day of Spring.
Start afresh!
Beginning anew!
Let new life burst forth in your walk with Christ!

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.  ~Proverb


  1. Good morning.........I just wanted to welcome you to Prairie Flower Farm! It is so nice to have you as a follower and loved the sweetness that you left. Thank you so much. It brightened my day. Loved reading your beautiful blog. I will come back and read to minister to the kids at the college. Our family works in the cafeteria. It helps supliment our small farm. We are grateful we all work together.
    Blessings sweet nice to meet you.

  2. Hello,

    Gorgeous flowers. I love snapping pictures of our own flowers in the garden!

    Your blog is so sweet and cute! I'm your newest follower.
