
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Freckled Lemonade ~ my version

One Freckled Lemonade at Red Robin & I was in love!
A bit more pricey than I normally spend on a drink {I usually order ice water},
it was worth every penny of the $3.99!
The free refills only sweetened the deal.
The last time we were there, James told our waitress to 'keep 'em comin' ...
which resulted in 5 or 6 glasses on our table at one time!
Oh yea, we were in Freckled Lemonade heaven.

Since we don't have a Red Robin in our town, I knew I had to duplicate this drink at home.

Here's what I've come up with:
Wash & dice fresh strawberries, however many you'd like {I use 3-4 medium ones}.
You can even use frozen strawberries if you don't have fresh ones.
Toss these into your favorite glass.
 Next, sprinkle in 2 packets of Splenda or Sweet 'n Low {or sugar}.
Smoosh the strawberries up a bit with a fork or spoon & then pour in the lemonade.
I love the lemonade from Aldi ... the sugar-free version similar to Crystal Light.

This is almost like a dessert!
I follow Weight Watchers, so this is an excellent 0 point treat for me.
When I'm wanting something sweet, this hits the spot.

Now all I need is a porch swing.

1 comment:

  1. sounds so refreshing!!!
    thanks for your sweet comments on my gallery wall & cloche.....i REALLY appreciate it!!!
