
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Little Blessings

I'm a grocery store couponer.
Occasionally, I do the drugstore thing, maybe every couple of weeks.
For the most part, I don't have the time or mental fortitude to jump through
the hoops they require to score the deals.

Much to my dismay, I discovered yesterday, that 2 $4 coupons for Walgreen had
expired the day before!!
$8 in register rewards down the tube .... ugggg!!

I decided to call Walgreen to see if they'd let me use them anyway.
I was only a few hours past the expiration ... it was worth a try, right?
The manager, out of the kindness of her heart, said I could bring them in &
she'd honor them!
Her stipulation was that they had to be from the purchase of  'Walgreen' product,
for which they'd get reimbursed for, & they were.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
Normally not a fan of Walgreen, they went up a couple notches in my book.

I was able to apply the $8 in register rewards {& 4 other coupons} to get all this
for  $3.23!, I got another $2 in rewards to use the next time.

Just 1 Blue Bell is $6.99!
So grateful they let me use those expired coupons.
Note to self:  don't let that happen again!

Since I was running to Walgreen, I decided to take Riley & his friend, Julian, to the park.
Riley was wanting to ride his new skateboard & the weather couldn't have
been more perfect.

I found a picnic table right under a big shade tree & had just settled in to relax for a while
when I look up to see my dear friend Paula, who I don't see often enough,
walking towards me!
We were both so surprised to see one another!
So, for the next hour or so, we visited & encouraged each other in the Lord.
She was just what I needed & I left feeling strengthened in my spirit.

What are the 'chances' she'd come to walk her dog at the very same time & the very same
place that I'd randomly decide go.
It's moments like this that I know God's been at work behind the scenes.
He's so concerned with even the smallest details of our lives.

There were 3 or 4 other 'little' blessings yesterday that would seem trivial to others, but
were important to me ... so, at the end of the day, this was my prayer:

All day long, I've felt You being extra attentive to my 'details'.
Thank you, God,  for being so good to me ... even in the little bitty things.


  1. God is good, isn't He? No coincidences in His book! He knows exactly what we need, exactly when we need it! Thank you for sharing your blessings with us!

  2. I've never thought to call and ask them to accept an expired coupon! What a revelation! I'm not the craziest about Walgreens either, but my sis-in-law has done lots of the coupon classes and most of the pros say Walgreens is one of the absolute best when it comes to couponing.

  3. "Little" things can add up to a lot :) Thank God for that :)

  4. I'm so thankful to serve such a great big God!
    And Kelly, you are so right...little things to add up to be a lot!

    About the expired coupon, I normally wouldn't have, but after jumping through so many Walgreen 'hoops' to get it, I hated to throw it in the trash ... that & the fact there were 2 coupons, both for $4 each!

    Walgreen does have good deals, but they are also known for another couple things: the most 'hoops' to jump through ... & the do not stock their shelves well enough. Ours has been 'out' of Reach toothbrushes for weeks. So, as long as expectations aren't too high, you can do pretty good there sometimes.
