
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Start the Morning Off Right!

Here are a couple ways to help get your morning off to a good start.

1)  Do a quick tidy of your house before you go to bed each night.

Who wants to wake up to a messy kitchen?
How can you sit down to enjoy your morning cup of coffee if your living room
is upside down?

For me, nothing is worse than waking up to a mess!
That is so not a good way to start the morning.

A few minutes before heading to bed, I make sure the kitchen is tidy, the counters are
clean & any straggling dishes that appeared since dinner are in the sink.

In the living room, I fold the throws/blankets & put the pillows where they belong.

2)  Get up 20-30 minutes before anyone else does.

I am not a morning person.
I'd rather not have to talk, at least for a few minutes.
By getting up a bit before anyone else, I can 'wake up,' make my coffee, & have a few
minutes to myself to get my thoughts together for the day.
It's amazing how just having these few minutes can calm your spirits as you mentally prepare for the day.

3)  Spend some time alone with God.

This is by far, the most rewarding step of all.
There's NO better way than to start your day than by talking to our heavenly Father.
During my quiet time in the morning is when I meditate on God ... His goodness,
His blessings, & how desperately I need Him!
I also like to spend a few minutes in the Word.
My morning routine is to just say a prayer for God to lead me to just the scriptures
I need for that day.
More times than not, the passage will be precisely what I needed to read & will stick with
me throughout my whole day.

I implemented this routine many years ago when my sons were just toddlers.
I know this was a key to them having not only a pleasant momma, but a cheerful one too!

Here's what my little guys looked like back then {this was 2000}.

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy
and be glad all our days. Psalm 90:14

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests
before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

Because of the LORD's mercies we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23


  1. I agree! Getting up early, getting time with God, getting a small bit of 'me' time, good way to start the morning! I struggle with the get the house clean part. By the time the kiddos are in bed (4 under 4 and I'm due in 3 1/2 weeks!) I'm a bit worn out. It takes all I can do just to get the dishes from dinner cleaned up :) thanks for sharing this!

  2. Gail,
    I remember those 'baby' days, oh so well...I truly miss them! I had twins who were not quite 3 when our youngest son came along. There were days when I felt like I met myself coming & going! LOL
    It looks a bit different around here now, with the twins 16 & our youngest is 13.
    The routine that got me through those extra busy times is one that I still enjoy.
    Cherish every moment with your little ones.
    It passes so quickly.
    Blessings =)
