
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 4 & 5 ~ 30 Days of Thanks

TGIF ... and S!

James says TGIF nearly every Friday, bless his heart.
He has a very physically & mentally demanding job ...
so, I know his TGIF really means ' SO glad that I have a couple days at home!'
When he says 'thank God it's Friday,' he realllly means it.

I love Fridays too ... my favorite day of the week.
It's nice to have that break in routine for a couple of days.

Last night, we ordered pizza & watched a Christmas movie.
Nothing better than spending a Friday night with the people I love the most.

For the 'TGIS part' of the post, I love the Saturdays where there's nothing on
the agenda ... a day completely free to do whatever.
Today was just that kind of day.
We decided to get outside & enjoy the beautiful fall day, knowing there
may not be too many more of these 'warm' days left.
We ran to the grocery, picked up 'grill out' meats & headed to the park for an
impromptu cookout.
Our friends were available {& spontaneous} & joined us.
Fall, food, & fellowship made for a great day.

I snapped this picture right before we left.

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