
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2 ~ 30 Days of Thanks

We LOVE Christmas music around our house!

My love for Christmas music started early.
I remember, throughout the season, my mom would have Christmas music
playing on the radio.
When I got a bit older, I had my own tape recorder...yes, I said tape recorder!
I would sit at our kitchen counter & 'tape' Christmas songs off the radio.
And you know what's even funnier than that, I still have some of those tapes!!
That makes me giggle, for so many reasons.
I played those tapes so much when I was younger that I knew where all the
background noise was ...
you know, the sound of Dad coming in the door, the creek of the cabinet door opening,
the telephone ringing.
What funny memories!

For several days here at the Pennington home, we've been counting down to the
start of Christmas music!
Our cable provider, Comcast, has a nice selection of music stations ...
ranging from classical, jazz, contemporary Christian, black gospel, & about 20 others.
The one we LOVE during this time of year is called Sounds of the Season ...
& that's what we were counting down for.
At midnight, it switched over to CHRISTMAS music!!

During our school days here at home, we play music all day long.
While we usually have on Gunnar's favorite, Soundscapes {perfect for school ...
soft & soothing music that doesn't provide distractions while reading & learning},
for the next couple months, it'll be Christmas music round the clock {perfect for school ...
jolly & joyful music to spread Christmas cheer to hard-working homeschoolers}!

So today, I'm thankful for Christmas music!

My favorite song {with about 20 others as a close second}:
Nat King Cole singing The Christmas Song

And my favorite CD of all time {that I play year-round}:
Charlie Brown Christmas by Vince Guaraldi
If you don't own this, you must!
Buy it for yourself ... give it as a gift!

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