
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 23-29 ~ 30 Days of Thanks

Day 23-29!
Just looking at that makes me giggle!!
I did so well with my 'I'm ganna blog everyday ... for 30 days straight' aspiration ...
up til day 23, that is!
I had every intention ... til my laptop kind of konked out.
{I am NOT thankful for that, but I AM thankful that I did not lose all my stuff on it!
It's all able to be retrieved, but will be out of commission til it's repaired.}

So, this will be a mass 'I'm thankful' kind of blog ...a catch up, of sorts.

Day 23 ~ Thanksgiving eve
If one is thinking of Black Friday shopping, one should surely shop on Thanksgiving eve!
Why go to the grocery earlier in the week when it's NOT all crazy, when you can go
just a few hours before Turkey Day & witness the food frenzy!
I heard one husband warning his wife over the phone that she better be sure that's all
she forgot cause he was not coming back out!
He probably should've tossed an extra turkey or two in the cart, just in case.
I made it home unscathed, fully prepped for the madness of Black Friday.

Day 24 ~ Thanksgiving Day
This year, my sister had the dinner at her house.
The food was delicious, as always.
We have much to be thankful for.

Sweet Potato Casserole

Day 25 ~ Black Friday
I'm usually out in all the chaos, & was this year too, only with a later start than usual.
I did some online shopping before I left the house at around 5:15 am.
The only 'must have' was a camera that I've had my eye on.
With a $100 savings, it was worth getting out for.
What was different this year about Black Friday shopping was that so many stores
had been open since 10p & midnight.
By the time I hit the stores at 5a, they weren't bad at all!
The mall was less crowded than it would be on a typical Saturday.
I got everything I intended to & met James for breakfast at Flap Jacks by 10a.

Day 26 ~ Thanksgiving Saturday
We traveled to Connersville for dinner with the Penningtons.
This has been our usual tradition since we've been married.
We enjoyed visiting with family ... & lovin' on sweet baby Brystol.
One of our favorite things about the trip, we love seeing all the Christmas lights
on our drive home.

Isn't she perfect?  She's modeling her Shabby Bowtique flower headband


James & Brystol

Day 27 ~ The Lord's Day Sunday
What used to be our most hectic day {one that certainly didn't feel like a day of rest},
has now become our most restful day.
I am thankful for Sundays!
Due to our current facility, we only meet for worship one time a week ... on Sunday.
We set up at 10, begin worship at 10:30, usually dismiss for our fellowship dinner at 12:30
& by 3p, we are heading home.
We spend the rest of the day resting & enjoying each other's company.
When Monday rolls around, we feel refreshed, both spiritually & physically, & ready
to start a new week.

Day 28 ~ {Cyber} Monday
We were ready to get back into our regular routine yesterday ... school & house work.
While it nice to take a break for holiday's, getting back to the day-to-day schedule is good.
Everything is cleaned up & back in place, with the exception of the fridge.
We're still working on leftovers ... pies, candies, & fudge.
The scales will probably groan a little louder than normal over the next few weeks ;)
Between schooling, vacuuming & dusting, I fit it some cyber-shopping.
I purchased 8 items at great prices & no shipping fees!
Can't get much more convenient than that!

Day 29 ~ {day before my honey's birthday} Tuesday
I got up early today to do some work on the computer before time for school.
I'm thankful for modern conveniences ... a warm bed to crawl out of,
heat, lights, technology.
It's been raining for days & I've yet to see one drop leaking through my ceiling.
The comforts of home, 2 Christmas trees, a candle glowing on my desk,
music playing on my computer ...
these things that make my morning cozy are things I don't want to take for granted.
I've been blessed far more than I deserve.

our little kitchen Christmas tree

Today, the boys & I will scheme about how to make James' birthday special.
He deserves far more than we could give him.
Since this is his last birthday in the 30s, maybe we should give him permission to say
"39 & holding!"

For all my blessings, great & small, I am thankful for them all~

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