
Monday, February 20, 2012

The Unseen Hand

I took this photo in August of last year ~ had to capture the pink cloud!

 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy the soul in drought, 
and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, 
and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.  Isaiah 58:11

This scripture was in the passages I read yesterday morning before leaving for church.
It stood out to me & I pondered on it {& a few others} all morning long.

What a reassurance to me, a daughter of God, to know that He is continually guiding me!

According to Psalm 121:3, we know that He does not slumber or sleep
nor will He suffer our foot to be moved.
Another translation says he will not allow our foot to slip.

Again in Psalm 37: 23-24, we are reminded that the steps of a good man 
are ordered by the LORD!
It goes on to say even though he may fall, he shall not be utterly cast down,
for the LORD upholds him with his hand!

What precious promises & complete comfort to rest in Him!
There's no need to fret or stress myself out with worry, He's in charge.
He's continually guiding me!

As I read this passage again this morning, an old song came to mind ...
one that I haven't heard sung in years, 'The Unseen Hand.'
Oh, what assuring lyrics!

There is an Unseen Hand to me,
That leads through ways I cannot see
While going through this world below,
This Hand still leads me as I go
I’m trusting to the Unseen Hand,
That guides me through this weary land
And some sweet day I’ll reach that strand,
Still guided by the Unseen Hand

This hand has led through shadows drear

And while it leads I have no fear
I know t’will lead me to that home
Where sin nor sorrow ere can come

I long to see, my Saviors face

And sing the story saved by grace
And there upon that golden  strand
Ill praise Him for His guiding hand

I’m trusting to, the Unseen Hand,
That guides me through this weary land
And some sweet day I’ll reach that strand,
Still guided by the Unseen Hand.

{written by AJ Sims}

I am so thankful that my walk with the Lord does not have to be filled with confusion,
indecision, & a constant search for God's will.
Should I do this, should I do that, should I go there...
what is God's plan for my life...
how will I know if I am in His will...
& on...& on...& on.

HE is continually guiding me!
The key is being submissive to His guiding.
We must place our life, our will, our plans ... even our fears...
place it all in His hands... & then let go!
Let Him take the wheel!
His ways are so much higher than our ways.

With His guidance, I have no question that I will safely arrive at my destination!

Just in case you've never heard the song, 'The Unseen Hand',
here is a link so you can listen to it & be blessed!
{The lyrics are a bit different from the original version on one line of the chorus,  
but the message is unchanged.}

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