
Sunday, June 5, 2011

We Are Seekers!

My poor little brain needs some down time.
After 2 days of inspiring teaching at the homeschool convention, I need at least a couple weeks to digest everything ...
& I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.
I'll work my way through my notes & allow the Holy Spirit to refresh my mind with all the truths I learned at this convention.

We've had the opportunity to attend this conference for the last 4 years, put on by the Indiana Association of Home Educators.
Every year before we go, we pray earnestly for the Lord to guide us to just the right classes, to hear just the right messages ...
& we pray to meet just the right people who will encourage our spirits.

And let me tell you, the Lord comes through each & every year.

I remember back to our very 1st year.
I left so overwhelmed {even to the point of tears later that evening}, thinking with so many options for curriculum, so little experience, & virtually NO room for error, how on earth would our family be able to pull this thing off?!
James reassured me that God was leading us in this direction & He would show us the way.
The next morning, we went back for day 2 of the convention, standing strong on the promises of God ...
& it was there that James met a man at a particular booth, who for 2 hours, poured into James words that we knew were coming straight from God Almighty.
It was & has been a pivotal moment in our lives ... a time that we know, without question, was ordained by God.
James continues to stay in contact with this man & we have greatly benefited from his Godly influence.

This year, we took our whole family to the convention, so not only were we praying about the sessions we'd attend, we prayed for all 3 of our sons,  especially for our twin sons.
They will be entering their senior year in the fall & are seeking God's direction for their futures ... how to best use their talents & desires for the glory of God.

And yet one more time, God came through!
They were blessed & encouraged in each of the classes they attended ... & made important connections in some of the specific areas that we had prayed about.
God is so mindful.

Of course, James & I are so grateful for all the messages we heard.
We felt God speaking to us, challenging us to grow in our walk with Him.
We left super-charged, having so much to talk about for the next little while.

As we were driving home, I had a moment with God that pretty much just capped off the day ... the icing on the cake, so to speak.
I was reflecting on the fact that another convention has come & gone ...
& I remembered a statement made several years ago by an acquaintance of ours.
He said, "Those Penningtons sure like to attend conferences."

I felt the Lord speak this into my heart at that very moment:

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds,
and to the one who knocks it will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8

 This sums US up:  We are seekers!!

We found out a long time ago that we don't know everything!!
We don't have all the answers!!
There are many seasoned men & women of God, full of knowledge & experience,
& most of them just waiting to pour into the lives of their brothers & sisters in Christ!
Why on earth would we NOT want to take advantage of that?!

The conventions & conferences we attend, the scriptures we search, & the books
we read are all avenues for God to work in our lives.

We ask ... & He IS giving us answers.
We seek ... & He IS helping us find just what we are looking for.
We knock ... & He IS opening doors we would've never imagined.

We will keep seeking ... & will find Him faithful every step of the way.

I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. Prov. 8:17 the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul. Duet. 4:29

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