
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Birthday Blessings

Here are the pictures I promised~

Absolutely gorgeous basket put together by the sweet ladies from church.  Yep, I cried like a baby!

Aren't these flowers unreal?  This brilliant blue is so unique.  These are from my 3 boys.

What's not to LOVE about this! My sweet friend, Carissa, shares my love of old books & couldn't have given me any nicer surprise!

Jody, I couldn't have said it better myself.  Friends make the hard times easier ... & the good time even better.
I LOVE this card!  Notice the fruits growing on the tree ... & the cute lil' kindness cart?  Paula, you are the sweet one;)

James surprised me with an overnight stay at Sybaris.  We had 2 referral gift cards, a regular coupon, & a birthday coupon which added up to a BIG discount!  We normally don't do much for Valentine's Day, so this wonderful get-away was sort of a pre-Valentine's celebration to boot.

I'd have to say, seeing how I wasn't jumping up & down about my birthday 
{this is my official '39 & holding' birthday},
all these bountiful blessings sure did soften the blow.

~Live well, laugh often, love much.

~The greatest gift I ever received came from God – my Family

~Friendship sweetens the cares of life


  1. Love the pictures!
    My husband and I are going to the SYBARIS for our anniversary.

  2. Hi, thank you for leaving a comment on my nice to come over and say hello and Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Wow are you loved or what? So precious! I loved the flowers. Amazing color. Never have I seen that kind before.

    Loved seeing your fam. We had 3 boys.......and then when I was 39 I had a little girl.......then again at 42.......our boys were 13, 16 and 19........the girls are now 17 and 20.........we just watched Pride and Prejudice and drank times!

    Hugs from my farm, Linda

    1. Thank you, Linda!
      I love visiting your blog. Not only is it beautiful, I love reading all the happenings on the farm =)

      My momma had me when she was 39 ...a 10 & 12 year gap between my brother & sister. My hubs & sons think it would be spectacular if God blessed us with a little girlie, but my, oh my, what a change in life that would be! LOL.

      Sure was nice getting your sweet comment.
      Blessings & hugs right back at ya.

  3. Angie,
    I am here. I have returned your visit. You must have a little girl. Will you think about this? Yes or no? Please check one. I like your blog. I like the pictures. I like you. Do you like me? Yes or no. Please check one. Or circle one. Thank you.


  4. I am here. I came to visit. I read your blog. It looks nice. I like the pictures. I like you. Do you like me? Yes or no. Please check one. You need a little girl. Will you think about this? Yes or no. Please check one. Or circle one. Now I must go. Thank you for letting me look at your pictures.

