
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

When My Heart Is Overwhelmed

Have you ever have a moment, when at just the 'right' times, 
the circumstances all came together & you felt overwhelmed?

That is precisely how I felt a few minutes ago.

I woke up with the Lord on my mind & a song in my heart.
I sent my working fellows {James, Garrett & Gunnar}a text to say 'good morning' ... 
& they followed with cheerful 'good morning' in return.

While in my phone, I found another couple sweet messages from the night before, 
both bringing a smile to my heart.

I came downstairs to see on the table, this gorgeous basket, 
an instant reminder of the incredible ladies I have in my life. 
I'm not kidding when I say I almost felt my heart skip a beat, 
as I think of the thoughtfulness, love & prayers that went into each & every gift.
{The ladies of the church put together a birthday surprise!}

On the counter, is probably thee cutest card I've ever seen 
that came unexpectedly yesterday in the mail ...
& in the living room are the most gorgeous brilliant blue flowers ever ,
a birthday gift from my 3 sons.

And to cap off the whole moment, I checked my email to find 2 more 
incredible notes in my inbox ...
words of encouragement that were such a blessing.

All this & it's only 9:15am!  
And I didn't even mention that the sun is shining this beautiful morning!

I just sat down for a moment to take it all in ... & the only word I could think of 
to describe how I feel at this moment is OVERWHELMED ...
almost taken aback at so many good things coming at me in waves ... 
at almost all the same time!
It was so strong that it was seriously almost a physical feeling!

At that very moment, I thought of the scripture 
'when my heart is overwhelmed, 
lead me to the rock that is higher than I'  
... & I saw it in a brand new light!

We generally turn to this scripture in times of trouble & distress ... 
grateful for being able to run to that Rock 'that is higher than I' ... 
for refuge, for strength, for comfort.
Boy, have I quoted this one many, many times.

But, you know what, don't all moments lead us to the Rock?

My heart was feeling quite overwhelmed this morning, 
in a very GOOD way, 
& still it led me to Him!

You see, He is the common thread that ties all these circumstances together!
He is who is working in the lives of His people, His loving caring people!
He is the epitome of all things good!

When my heart is overwhelmed by His goodness, 
by the acts of kindness of His children, 
by the sun that shines in the morning sky that He created, 
of course it leads me to the Rock that is higher than I!

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: 
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
~Psalm 62:1

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness!
~Lam. 3:22-23

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, 
which God created beforehand, that we should walk in them.
~Eph. 2:10

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards 
of the manifold grace as God.
~1 Peter 4:10

Jesus, You're the center of my Joy.
All that's good & perfect comes from You.
You're the heart of my contentment,
hope for all I do.
Jesus, You're the center of my Joy.

*Stay tuned tomorrow for pictures of these beautiful blessings that I've referenced!


  1. Happy birthday! Overwhelmed with good things is absolutely wonderful!

  2. That is a great perspective for the good and the bad! It is so often that when we have "good" happen to us, we don't even think of the Lord but that is when we are sure that He is faithful! Thanks for this!
