
Friday, June 29, 2012

I bought it!!

I learned my lesson.
I was determined to NOT leave the antique store saying 'why didn't I buy that?'!!
{if you didn't read my tale of woe, you probably should}

Here's a sneak peak of my new treasures from yesterday's antiquing adventure.

Ok, the adorable chandy is certainly a treasure ... it's just not mine.
My sweet friend snapped this baby up.
She's got a good eye.

My 2 treasures are behind it ... the crocks!!
Yep, I bought 2 crocks!!!
Happy dance ...happy dance.

I'll share some proper photos next week,
but I just couldn't wait to show you what I found.

These following things didn't come home with me ... I just thought they were picture-worthy.

Look at this adorable pantaloon style slip!

Now, brace yourself for these next 2 gals.
We giggled & giggled at these hideous things less-than-lovely dolls.

Down right scary these were! 
I fully expect to see these the next time I visit this store cause I can't imagine anyone buying them!

All in all, it was a fun day.
Looking through old things from the past & sharing memories with sweet friends 
was the best part of the day ... even better than bringing home 2 crocks.


  1. Those scary girls could go in the garden to chase away the birds! lol!

  2. Angela, I do not like that feeling that I left something good behind either. About the pages under my header. I think that is what you are talking about. Go into DESIGN then click on PAGES and make some New PAGES. I was daunted by them for a while but I made them this past winter and it was not difficult. You can email me if you have questions. Olive

  3. Angela, Those dolls would scared the socks off any little kids. I wouldn't want them around here in the dark.Yikes !! Hey, there a French Flea Market going on in Tipton , July the 13th and 14th... Come if you can. I am hoping my sisters and I can go together. I will be there for sure. it goes on from 9am to 9 pm ...Well I think it's 12 hours each day. Smiles to you, Susie

  4. Olive, you are too sweet to drop by & esp. to direct me to these 'pages'!! I will definitely have to experiment. I've been thinking of a new header pic too. Again, I sure appreciate your tip!

  5. LOL, Susie!
    The French Flea Market sounds cool! We may have to check that out.

  6. Hi,
    Just wanted to say that I came across your blog today. I just love it. Hope you don't mind I am now a "follower".
    Love your recipes... gonna so try some of them. Thanks for sharing them.

    Lisa ( @ The Lynch Mob):

  7. Thank you, Lisa!
    So appreciate your following & your kind compliments!

  8. It really does look like fun and you got some wonderful crocks...and photos, too! I love that chandy!

  9. Great finds! Those dolls would be perfect in the garden - for Halloween or something lol
    Greetings from Australia♥

  10. Ok, your visit & comment from Australia?! ... well, that just made my day!
